Kovalskyi Dmytro
(University of California, Santa Barbara)
Fireworks is a CMS event display which is specialized for the physics
studies case. This specialization allows to use a stylized rather
than 3D accurate representation when it's appropriate. Data handling
is greatly simplified by using only reconstructed information and
ideal geometry. Fireworks provides an easy to use interface which
allows a physicist to concentrate only on the data to which they are
interested. Data is presented via graphical and textual views. Cross
view data interpretation is easy since the same object is shown using
the same color in all views and if the object is selected it is
highlighted in all views. Objects which have been selected can be
further studied by displaying a detailed view of just that object.
Physicists can select which events (e.g. require a high energy muon),
what data (e.g. which track list) and which items in a collection
(e.g. only high-pt tracks) to show. Once the physicist has configured
Fireworks to their liking they can save the configuration. Fireworks
is built using the Eve subsystem of the CERN ROOT project and CMS's
FWLite project. The FWLite project was part of CMS's recent code
redesign which separates data classes into libraries separate from
algorithms producing the data and uses ROOT directly for C++ object
storage thereby allowing the data classes to be used directly in ROOT.
Kovalskyi Dmytro
(University of California, Santa Barbara)