Simone Frosali
(Dipartimento di Fisica - Universita di Firenze)
The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker (SST) consists of 25000 silicon microstrip sensors covering an area of 210m2 and 10 million readout channels. Starting from December 2007 the SST has been inserted and connected inside the CMS experiment and since summer 2008 it has been commissioned using cosmic muons with and without magnetic field. During these data taking the performance of the SST have been carefully studied: the noise of the detector, together with its correlations with the strip length and the temperature, the data integrity, the S/N ratio, the hit reconstruction efficiency and the calibration constants have been all monitored with time and for different conditions, at the full detector granularity. In this presentation an overview of the SST calibration workflow and the detector performance results will be given.
Maria Assunta Borgia
(University and INFN Turin)