Christian Helft
IN2P3, the institute bringing together HEP laboratories in France along CEA's IRFU, opened a videoconferencing service in 2002 based on a H323 MCU. This service has steadily grown up since then, serving other French communities than the HEP one, to reach an average of about 30 different conferences a day. The relatively small amount of manpower that has been devoted to this project can be explained by the very sound design and the large array of capabilities of the equipment that replaced the original one in 2005.
The service will be described, and its original mode of operation not resorting to the use of a gatekeeper, in contrast with more traditional customs, will be compared to others, notably those put in place by ESnet and DFN.
An outline of developments around MCUs that could be of interest to the whole community will be presented. Some issues of integration of this service with other collaborative tools in use today will be discussed.
Christian Helft