21–27 Mar 2009
Europe/Prague timezone

The Gatherer - a mechanism for integration of monitoring data in ATLAS TDAQ

26 Mar 2009, 08:00


Prague Congress Centre 5. května 65, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic
Board: Thursday 092
poster Online Computing Poster session


Mr Yuriy Ilchenko (SMU)


The ATLAS experiment's data acquisition system is distributed across the nodes of large farms. Online monitoring and data quality runs alongside this system. A mechanism is required that integrates the monitoring data from different nodes and makes it available for shift crews. This integration includes but is not limited to summation or averaging of histograms and summation of trigger rates. A prototype of the central component ('Gatherer') in this mechanism was designed in 2004. Extensive testing in subsequent running in 2008 have led to a substantial reimplementation of the Gatherer. Performance milestones have been achieved which ensure the needs of early datataking will be met. We will present a detailed description of the architectural features and performance of the current Gatherer.


Dr Piotr Renchel (Department of Physics-Southern Methodist University (SMU))


Dr Haleh Hadavand (Department of Physics-Southern Methodist University (SMU)) Prof. Robert Kehoe (Department of Physics-Southern Methodist University (SMU)) Prof. Serguei Kolos (Univeristy of California) Mr Yuriy Ilchenko (SMU)

Presentation materials