21–27 Mar 2009
Europe/Prague timezone

ATLAS operation in the GridKa Tier1/Tier2 cloud

23 Mar 2009, 08:00


Prague Congress Centre 5. května 65, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic
Board: Monday 082
poster Distributed Processing and Analysis Poster session


Dr John Kennedy (LMU Munich)


The organisation and operations model of the ATLAS T1-T2 federation/cloud associated to the GridKa T1 in Karlsruhe is described. Attention is paid to cloud level services and the experience gained during the last years of operation. The ATLAS GridKa Cloud is large and divers spanning 5 countries, 2 ROC's and is currently comprised of 13 core sites. A well defined and tested operations model in such a cloud is of the utmost importance. We have defined the core cloud services required by the ATLAS experiment and ensured that they are performed in a managed and sustainable manner. Services such as Distributed Data Management involving data replication,deletion and consistency checks, Monte Carlo Production, software installation and data reprocessing are described in greater detail. In addition to providing these central services we have undertaken several cloud level stress tests and developed monitoring tools to aid with cloud diagnostics. Furthermore we have defined good channels of communication between ATLAS, the T1 and the T2's and have pro-active contributions from the T2 manpower. A brief introduction to the GridKa cloud is provided followed by a more detailed discussion of the operations model and ATLAS services within the cloud. Finally a summary of our experience gained while running these services is presented.
Presentation type (oral | poster) oral


Dr John Kennedy (LMU Munich)


Dr Andrzej Olszewski (Institute of Nuclear Physics Krakow) Dr Cedric Serfon (LMU Munich) Dr Guenter Duckeck (LMU Munich) Dr Kendall Reeves (The University of Wuppertal) Dr Simon Nderitu (The University of Bonn)

Presentation materials