A calorimeter simulation task force was established by the CMS management to investigate how the simulation can be improved to better describe the test beams results. The charge of the task force was (a) to evaluate and tune the shower models used by Geant4 to improve the agreement between the full simulation and the test beam data for the linearity of the response, the resolution, and the shower shape; (b) to develop a Gflash based parametrization for the electromagnetic and hadron shower shapes tuned to the test beam data; (c) to tune the parametrization of the electromagnetic and hadron showers to the full simulation and to the test beam data; (d) to provide a concise strategy to tune both the full and fast simulation to the collider data where the strategy will include the specification of a trigger paths to record the necessary data as well as the tools for analysis and tuning of the simulation. The task force has progressed on all the charges and will like to rport on the progress on the usage of data (test beam, Cosmics and beam collision) to tune simulation program with emphasis on the parametrized approaches in the simulation code.
Presentation type (oral | poster) | Oral |