21–27 Mar 2009
Europe/Prague timezone

Integrated production-quality gLite FTS usage in CMS PhEDEx DM system

26 Mar 2009, 08:00


Prague Congress Centre 5. května 65, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic
Board: Thursday 008
poster Grid Middleware and Networking Technologies Poster session


Dr Tony Wildish (PRINCETON)


PhEDEx, the CMS data- placement system, uses the FTS service to transfer files. Towards the end of 2007 PhEDEx was beginning to show some serious scaling issues, with excessive numbers of processes on the site VOBOX running PhEDEx, poor efficiency in use of FTS job-slots, high latency for failure-retries, and other problems. The core PhEDEx architecture was changed in May 2008 to eliminate these problems. By introducing cooperative multi-threading we could adopt a more modular approach, resulting in fewer FTS job-submissions, constant file-level monitoring load on the FTS server regardless of throughput, link-level optimisation, fewer processes on the VOBOX, and fewer connections to the central Oracle database.


Mr Ricky Egeland (Minnesota) Dr Tony Wildish (PRINCETON)


Artem Trunov (Inspitute fur Experimentelle Kernphysik, University of Karlsruhe) Dr Josep Flix Molina (PIC)

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