Collaborative Tools: Monday
- Eva Hladka (CESNET)
Collaborative Tools: Tuesday
- There are no conveners in this block
Presentation materials
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Lucas Taylor
(Northeastern U., Boston)
23/03/2009, 14:00
Collaborative Tools
The CMS Experiment at the LHC is establishing a global network of inter-connected "CMS Centres" for controls, operations and monitoring. These support: (1) CMS data quality monitoring, detector calibrations, and analysis; and (2) computing operations for the processing, storage and distribution of CMS data.
We describe the infrastructure, computing, software, and communications, systems...
Adrian Casajus Ramo
(Departament d' Estructura i Constituents de la Materia)
23/03/2009, 14:20
Collaborative Tools
Traditionally interaction between users and the Grid is done with command line tools. However, these tools are difficult to use by a non-expert user providing minimal help and generating outputs not always easy to understand especially in case of errors. Graphical User Interfaces are typically limited to providing access to the monitoring or accounting information and concentrate on some...
Jeremy Herr
(U. of Michigan)
23/03/2009, 14:40
Collaborative Tools
The ATLAS Collaboratory Project at the University of Michigan has been a leader in the area of collaborative tools since 1999. Its activities include the development of standards, software and hardware tools for lecture archiving, and making recommendations for videoconferencing and remote teaching facilities. Starting in 2006 our group became involved in classroom recordings, and in early...
(University of Floria)
23/03/2009, 15:00
Collaborative Tools
A key feature of collaboration in large scale scientific projects is
keeping a log of what and how is being done - for private use and
reuse and for sharing selected parts with collaborators and peers,
often distributed geographically on an increasingly global scale.
Even better if this log is automatic, created on the fly while
a scientist or software developer is working in a habitual...
Philippe Galvez
(California Institute of Technology (CALTECH))
23/03/2009, 15:20
Collaborative Tools
The EVO (Enabling Virtual Organizations) system is based on a new distributed and unique architecture, leveraging the 10+ years of unique experience of developing and operating large distributed production based collaboration systems. The primary objective being to provide to the High Energy and Nuclear Physics experiments a system/service that meet their unique requirements of usability,...
Erik Gottschalk
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL))
23/03/2009, 15:40
Collaborative Tools
We describe the use of professional-quality high-definition (HD) videoconferencing systems for daily HEP experiment operations and large-scale media events.
For CMS operations at the Large Hadron Collider, we use such systems for permanently running "telepresence" communications between the CMS Control Room in France and major offline CMS Centres at CERN, DESY, and Fermilab, and with a...
Jose Benito Gonzalez Lopez
24/03/2009, 14:00
Collaborative Tools
While the remote collaboration services at CERN slowly aggregate around the Indico event management software, its new version which is the result of a careful maturation process includes improvements which will set a new reference in its domain. The presentation will focus on the description of the new features of the tool, the user feedback process which resulted in a new record of usability....
Steven Goldfarb
(University of Michigan)
24/03/2009, 14:20
Collaborative Tools
I report major progress in the field of Collaborative Tools, concerning the organization, design and deployment of facilities at CERN, in support of the LHC. This presentation discusses important steps made during the past year and a half, including the identification of resources for equipment and manpower, the development of a competent team of experts, tightening of the user-feedback loop,...