22–29 Jul 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

Inelastic cross section measurements performed with the CMS experiment

Not scheduled
poster QCD and Hadronic Physics


Manfred Jeitler (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))


The first measurement of the cross section of inelastic proton-lead collisions at 5.02 TeV center-of-mass energy per nucleon-pair is presented. The cross section is corrected for effects beyond the experimental acceptance of CMS. Photon-induced interactions are studied in detail and are excluded from the result, as well as quasi-elastic excitation of the lead nuclei. The data is compared to measurements at much lower center-of-mass energies as well as to predictions of event generators and models. Also the inelastic cross section measured in pp collisions at different center-of-mass energies is reported.


Manfred Jeitler (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))

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