22–29 Jul 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

Instrumentation of ILC detectors forward region

Not scheduled
poster Detector R&D and Data Handling


Dr Sergej Schuwalow (DESY, Hamburg)


The objective of FCAL Collaboration is to design and optimize the very forward region of future Linear Collider detectors. This comprises the development a luminosity calorimeter, LumiCal, for precise luminosity measurement, and a development of a radiation hard beam monitor detector, BeamCal, for a fast luminosity determination and beam parameters control. Together with low angle hadronic calorimeter, LHCAL, these devices should also ensure the detector hermeticity in the forward region. We present R&D activities focused on development and beam tests of prototype detectors and readout ASICs.


Dr Sergej Schuwalow (DESY, Hamburg)

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