22–29 Jul 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

Matching NLO QCD Corrections in WHIZARD with the POWHEG scheme

24 Jul 2015, 10:12


talk Top and Electroweak Physics Top and Electroweak Physics


Bijan Chokoufe (DESY)


Building on the new automatic subtraction of NLO amplitudes in WHIZARD, we discuss our implementation of the POWHEG scheme to match the radiative corrections consistently with the parton shower. Doing so, we consider also the ambiguities involved in the selection of the terms that are resummed to all orders. Although these ambiguities are of higher order, they can be numerically important. We study these effects at linear collider processes like $e^+ e^- \rightarrow t\bar{t}H$ or $e^+ e^- \rightarrow W^+ W^- b \bar{b}$. In this context, it is also interesting to see the impact and interplay of the QCD corrections with beamstrahlung and lepton ISR.



Christian Weiss (DESY) Juergen Reuter (DESY) Prof. Wolfgang Kilian (University Siegen)

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