Christine Kourkoumelis
(National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR))
The Inspiring Science Education and Go-lab outreach projects (approved by the European Commission) have been running for about two years. Their goal is the promotion of science education in schools though new methods built on the inquiry based education techniques and involving large consortia of European partners who test them with large scale pilots in thousands of European schools.
Both projects take advantage of the access to unique facilities -offered through the partners- that exist only in very few, or even one, place such as the LHC at CERN, the Icecube experiment at the South Pole or remotely operated telescopes, to make real time observations. The students can use those resources without having to travel to their respective locations, saving considerable time and expense. A large inventory of such lesson plans are available for the teachers to introduce their students to “The Big Science ideas”.
The authors of this contribution have experimented for several years in finding ways to introduce HEP in schools. They have found that the most effective way is a combination of lectures, virtual tours to specific experiments and hands-on experience. This combination has taken the form of the so called “mini masterclass” which are a half-day workshop taking place locally at the interested schools
Recent hands-on activities, developing and testing the above mentioned innovative applications will be reviewed.
Christine Kourkoumelis
(National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR))
Georgios Dimitrios Vasileiadis
(University of Athens (GR))
Stylianos Vourakis
(National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR))