22–29 Jul 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

Colour Reconnection - Models and Tests

23 Jul 2015, 14:30


talk QCD and Hadronic Physics QCD and Hadronic Physics


Jesper Roy Christiansen (Lund University (SE))


Recent progress on colour reconnection within the PYTHIA framework is presented. A new model is introduced, based on the SU(3) structure of QCD and a minimization of the potential string energy. The inclusion of the epsilon structure of SU(3) gives a new baryon production mechanism and makes it possible simultaneously to describe hyperon production at both ee and pp colliders. Further comparisons with soft QCD measurements are also presented, as well as a study of the effects on the top mass uncertainty. Here additional toy models are also considered. Finally, predictions for ee colliders, both past and potential future ones, are presented.


Jesper Roy Christiansen (Lund University (SE))

Presentation materials