22–29 Jul 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

Tensor networks for gauge field theories

25 Jul 2015, 11:30


talk Non-Perturbative Field Theory and String Theory Non-Perturbative Field Theory and String Theory


Karel Van Acoleyen (Ghent University)


In the last decade the tensor network state (TNS) formalism has emerged as a new language for our understanding of quantum many body systems. As a Hamiltonian variational method, the TNS framework can handle dynamical non-equilibrium phenomena and regimes with finite fermionic densities, and it therefore presents a promising complementary approach to the Monte-Carlo Euclidean lattice simulations. Recently it has been realized that TNS also provide a very natural language for gauge theories. In this talk I will discuss their application in this context. I will present some recent work on the TNS approach for 1+1 dimensional gauge theories. A notable result here is the real-time simulation at the full quantum level of the dynamical Schwinger particle creation process for 1+1 dimensional QED. In addition, I will also briefly consider TNS applications on higher dimensional gauge theories.


Karel Van Acoleyen (Ghent University)

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