22–29 Jul 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

Studies of multiple parton interactions at the D0 experiment

Not scheduled
talk QCD and Hadronic Physics


Bob.Hirosky DZERO.PHYSICS.COORDINATOR (DZero Experiment, Fermilab) Boris.Tuchming DZERO.PHYSICS.COORDINATOR (DZero Experiment, Fermilab)


Two measurements of the properties of double parton scattering in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 1.96$ TeV are presented through measurement of the cross sections of simultaneous production of two heavy quarkonia (two J/psi or J/psi and Upsilon) or the production of diphoton + dijet events. Multiple parton interactions are a major background for electroweak precision measurements and new phenomena searches at high energy hadron colliders. These studies provide important information on the parton spatial structure of the nucleon.


Bob.Hirosky DZERO.PHYSICS.COORDINATOR (DZero Experiment, Fermilab) Boris.Tuchming DZERO.PHYSICS.COORDINATOR (DZero Experiment, Fermilab)

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