Antoni Szczurek
(Institute of Nuclear Physics)
$W^+ W^-$ production is one of the golden channels for testing the
Standard Model as well as for searches beyond the Standard Model.
We discuss many new subleading processes for inclusive production of
$W^+ W^-$ pairs not included in the literature so far.
We focus on photon-photon induced processes.
We include elastic-elastic, elastic-inelastic, inelastic-elastic
and inelastic-inelastic contributions in the formalism
with photonic PDFs.
We also calculate the contributions with resolved photons including
the partonic substructure of the virtual photon.
We include in addition single and central diffractive production
of $W^+ W^-$ pairs as well as double parton scattering contribution.
Predictions for the total cross section and differential
distributions in $W$- boson rapidity and transverse momentum as well
as $WW$ invariant mass are presented. The $\gamma \gamma$ components
constitute only about 1-2 but increases up to about 10
and are even comparable to the dominant $q \bar q$ component at large
The photon-photon contributions are very important in the context
of studying anomalous triple and quartic boson couplings.
The DPS component gives large contribution for large $W^+ W^-$
masses or large rapidity distances.
We discusses all the missing terms
in the context of recent ATLAS and CMS data.
additional information
M. Luszczak, A. Szczurek and Ch. Royon,
JHEP 02 (2015) 098.
Antoni Szczurek
(Institute of Nuclear Physics)
Marta Luszczak
(University of Rzeszow)