22–29 Jul 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

Jet results in heavy ions with CMS

23 Jul 2015, 15:15


talk Heavy Ion Physics Heavy Ion Physics


Yue Shi Lai (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))


Collisions of high-energy nuclei create the hottest and densest matter ever produced in laboratory, and it is a ground for studies of QCD in extreme conditions. When compared to collisions of protons, the contrasts of the jets and hadrons observed in PbPb collisions provide signatures of phenomena that appear in such conditions. One such phenomenon is called ‘jet quenching’ which refers to the energy loss of high-momentum partons in dense medium, exhibiting itself in modified jet and hadron cross-sections and correlations. CMS has attained a set of measurements that paint a multidimensional picture of this effect, and has further improved this understanding by adding in the studies of initial-state nuclear effects through studies of pPb collisions. This talk will present selected recent jet results from the CMS heavy-ion program.


Yue Shi Lai (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))

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