Alexander Karlberg
(University of Oxford (GB))
I will present fully differential NNLO corrections to vector-boson
fusion (VBF) Higgs production at hadron colliders, in the limit in which
there is no cross-talk between the hadronic systems associated with the
two protons.The result is obtained by combining an inclusive NNLO
calculation in the structure-function approach and a suitably factorised
NLO VBF Higgs plus 3-jet calculation, supplemented with appropriate
Higgs plus 2-parton counter-events.
An earlier calculation of the fully inclusive cross section had found
small NNLO corrections, at the percent level. In contrast, I will show
that the cross section after typical experimental VBF cuts and
differential distributions receive larger NNLO corrections.
Alexander Karlberg
(University of Oxford (GB))
Frédéric Dreyer
Gavin Salam
Giulia Zanderighi
Matteo Cacciari
(LPTHE Jussieu)