22–29 Jul 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

Unitarity, analiticity, dispersion relations and resonances in strongly interacting WLWL, ZLZL and hh scattering

Not scheduled
poster Higgs and New Physics




In this work we study in detail the case of a strongly interacting electroweak symmetry breaking electroweak sector. Then we study general properties of the amplitudes like analiticy and unitarity starting from a very general non-linear effective Lagrangian. We illustrate the ideas with the Inverse Amplitude Method, one version of the N/D method and another improved version of the K-matrix. In the three cases we get partial waves which are unitary, analytical with the proper left and right cuts and in some cases poles in the second Riemann sheet that can be understood as dynamically generated resonances. In addition they reproduce the Next to Leading Order (NLO) of the perturbative expansion for the five partial waves (up to J=2) and they are μ independent. Also the unitarization formalisms are extended to the coupled channel case. Then we apply the results to the elastic scattering amplitude for the longitudinal components of the gauge bosons V = W, Z at high energy. We also compute hh → hh and the inelastic process V V → hh which are coupled to the elastic V V channel in the I = 0 case. We compare numerically the three methods for various values of the low-energy couplings and explain the reasons for the differences found in the I = J = 1 partial wave. Then we study the resonances appearing in the different elastic and coupled channels in terms of the effective Lagrangian parameters.

additional information

Please check recent publications by the three authors at INSPIRE on this field



Felipe Llanes-Estrada (Universidad Complutense) Rafael Delgado (Universidad complutense)

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