22–29 Jul 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

Update of the electroweak precision fit, interplay with Higgs-boson signal strengths and model-independent constraints on new physics

23 Jul 2015, 09:00
Großer Festsaal

Großer Festsaal

talk Higgs and New Physics Higgs and New Physics


Laura Reina (Florida State University (US))


The available information on the properties of the observed Higgs signal is assessed in view of the current experimental accuracy and the employed theoretical assumptions. Possible interpretations of the observed signal in scenarios of physics beyond the Standard Model are discussed in view of their phenomenological implications, and the experimental sensitivity for discriminating between different models is investigated. In extended Higgs sectors it is often possible to interpret the observed signal not only in terms of the lightest but also in terms of the second-lightest state of the Higgs sector. The latter scenarios generically predict a light Higgs boson with heavily suppressed couplings to gauge bosons. The current limits and future prospects for accessing such scenarios will be discussed. We also present results of a bayesian fit to the Wilson coefficients of the Standard Model gauge invariant dimension-6 operators involving one or more Higgs fields.


Enrico Franco (INFN Rome) Laura Reina (Florida State University (US)) Luca Silvestrini (INFN Rome) Marco Ciuchini (Universita di Roma Tre and INFN) Maurizio Pierini (California Institute of Technology (US)) SATOSHI MISHIMA (INFN Rome)

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