LISHEP2009-International School on High Energy Physics - Session C - Workshop on Forward Physics, Exotica and Associated Technologies at LHC
Auditorium 11 - First Floor (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro)
Auditorium 11 - First Floor
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524
20550-013 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
LISHEP has 4 Sessions performed in different dates.
Session A - Dedicated to Professors of Secondary School- The next Session A will be performed in Jannuary 12 - 16, 2009.
Seesion B - Is a traditional School on High Energy Physics - It will not be performed this time.
Session C - Is a Workshop on High Energy Physics with specific topics -This Session will be performed between 19 - 24 of Jannuary 2009
Session D - Is a Workshop on Associated Technologies on HEP. -It will not be performed this time
This year we will have on the Session C two topics of Common interest of Brazilian Community of HEP and Experiments at LHC. We will announce soon the Program and Poster of the Workshop.
Albert De Roeck
Alberto Santoro
Andre Sznajder
Antonio Vilela Pereira
Carlos Avila
Christian Blohm
Christophe Royon
Clemencia Mora Herrera
Dennis Petschull
Dennys Reis
Erasmo Ferreira
Flavia de Almeida Dias
Javier Brochero
Jesse Werner Costa
Jose Andres Monroy Montañez
José Pedro Cordeiro Cordeiro
Luz Stella Gómez Fajardo
Magno Machado
Mara Senghi Soares
Michele Arneodo
Mohd Danish Azmi
Piotrzkowski Krzysztof
Rainer Schicker
Renaud Le Gac
Ulrich Landgraf
Vitor Oguri
Wanda Prado da Silva