Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

30 March 2015
Imperial College London
Europe/London timezone

Participant List

34 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Ali Mozaffari Imperial College London
Andrew Bond University of Sussex
Anupam Mazumdar Lancaster University
Arttu Rajantie Imperial College
Astrid Eichhorn Imperial College London
Carlos Tamarit Durham Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology
Christopher Ford Imperial College
Daniel Burns University of Manchester
Daniel Litim U Sussex
Daniele Teresi University of Manchester
Edouard Marchais University of Sussex
Edward Gillman Imperial College
Giulia Gubitosi Imperial College
Hamzaan Bridle University of Southampton
Jean Alexandre King's College London
Julio Leite King's College London
Kevin Falls Heidelberg University
Leron Borsten Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
Lukas Graf UCL
Mark Hindmarsh University of Sussex
Nick Houston King's College London
Oliver Gould Imperial College
Paul Saffin UNiversity of Nottingham
Peter Millington Technische Universität München (TUM)
Rachel Hughes Imperial College London
Raul Cuesta University of Sussex
Silvia Nagy Imperial College London
Sotirios Karamitsos University of Manchester
Steffen Gielen Imperial College London
Steve Mudute-Ndumbe Imperial College London
Tim Morris University of Southampton
Tom Griffin Imperial College
Tommi Markkanen Imperial College
Tugba Buyukbese University of Sussex