Welcome to the DarkMALT scheduling page. Below is an outline of the envisaged schedule. The main conference page can be found here: http://www.munich-iapp.de/scientific-programme/programmes-2015/dark-matter/

The morning Discussions and Collaborations (9:00-11:00) is a time for participants to get started with the daily business, such as checking e-mails, get some work done and to have time to discuss with other participants, etc.

At 11:00 all participants will get together for coffee/tea and this will be followed by a seminar at 11:30 and lunch. In the afternoon working groups will meet and it is time to work in smaller groups on specific projects.

In the late afternoon (16:00-16:30) we will get together for coffee/tea and after that we will have more time for discussions in small groups.

Each day will have the same basic schedule as listed above, however exception will be made to accommodate special events such as mini-workshops or additional seminars. Those will be announced during the workshop.

The program is designed to be very flexible and to provide ample time for discussions of new ideas and projects. An interesting discussion arising during a seminar talk can be followed up immediately by interested parties in discussions or a mini-workshop on this topic.

All participants who are interested in giving a talk will get the opportunity for a presentation during the duration of the workshop and also are encouraged to lead discussions, organize mini-workshops, tutorials, or other events of interest.

Participants who are interested in giving a longer one hour talk in the morning seminar session to contact us at darkmatter@munich-iapp.de. Also if you are interested in leading a discussion or mini-workshop on a topic of your choice please also let us know and we can help schedule events ahead.

Boltzmannstraße 2 85748 Garching Germany