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20–21 Apr 2015
US/Central timezone

The Second International Meeting for Large Neutrino Infrastructures organised by Fermilab, the Astroparticle Physics European Consortium (APPEC), the ICFA Neutrino Panel, the IUPAP Astroparticle Physics International Commitee (ApPIC) and several worldwide funding agencies will take place at Fermilab on the 20th and 21st of April 2015.

The meeting will be preceded by the meetings of the ICFA Neutrino Panel and ApPIC both of which will report in the Second International Meeting.

This meeting follows the International Meeting for Large Neutrino Infrastructures  that  took place in June 2014 in Paris, during which  several agencies and laboratory directors issued a joint press release declaring that the elucidation of the neutrino sector is a worldwide priority that justifies the coherent distribution of tasks and infrastructures across the world. The press release went on to urge the international neutrino community to develop urgently the necessary coherent, international program that exploits and builds on existing infrastructures and to announce the Second International Meeting to be held in the US, to evaluate the progress made with respect to the above goals.

This Second International Meeting aims to gauge the progress that has made since last summer in terms of the development of the scientific case and the organisational aspects of the worldwide collaboration in long baseline studies. The Meeting will also chart the timeline of the decision process, examine the institutional forms that will support it and also pass in review the necessary programme of supporting measurements, prototyping and R&D. In the case of the programme of supporting measurements, prototyping and R&D, possible forms of worldwide cooperation and collaboration as well as a possible distribution of tasks at the scientific community level, as well as  eventual  institutional forms of common or parallel funding  at the agency level, will be examined.

The first day of the meeting will address the accelerator-based programme.  The second day of the meeting will be devoted to the examination of the non-accelerator physics potential of the various large neutrino infrastructures and will start the discussion of closer coordination in this domain.

The format of the meeting will be similar to the first one, it will consist of open sessions followed by leading principal investigators and agency officials, followed by closed meetings at the agency level. The meeting is open to all interested participants.

For more photos of the workshop please click here.

West Conference Room