15–16 Oct 2015
Europe/Zurich timezone

Single cycle and Exawatt Lasers

16 Oct 2015, 15:40


Dr Jonathan WHEELER (Ecole Polytechnique - IZEST)


Efficient multistage compression of petawatt laser pulses, such as those becoming available at laser facilities around the world, holds the promise of exawatt, X-ray pulses. A shorter route to the generation of Schwinger intensities with current day technology is now envisioned with the capability of producing high energy radiation and particle beams of extremely short, sub-attosecond timescales. The energies and timescales involved are far from traditional laser regimes and offer a new intersection of laser technology with the study of the structure of vacuum and numerous applications to subatomic physics. With this vision in mind, the two-stages of the planned petawatt pulse compression scheme shall be presented and the early work studying their feasibility discussed.


Dr Jonathan WHEELER (Ecole Polytechnique - IZEST)


Prof. Gerard MOUROU (Ecole Polytechnique - IZEST) Dr Natalia NAUMOVA (Ecole Polytechnique - LOA) Prof. Toshiki TAJIMA (UCI / Ecole Polytechnique - IZEST)

Presentation materials