Sophia N. CHEN
(LULI, École polytechnique, CNRS, CEA, UPMC, Palaiseau, France)
The APOLLON-10P laser system is a Ti:Sa based laser that will deliver 150 J in 15 femtosecond pulses (10 PW); after focusing, intensities up to 2x1022 W/cm2 will be delivered to the experimentalists. This will allow reaching the so-called “ultra-relativistic regime” where both the electrons and ions are expected to be relativistic and thus allowing for the exploration of novel matter properties. Four beams (10-PW, 1-PW, uncompressed, and a probe) can be directed into the main experimental chamber or the auxiliary chamber for particle beam – laser interactions or long focal length optics experiments. We will operate APOLLON-10P laser as a User’s Facility and we aim to attract new user communities, national and international.
Sophia N. CHEN
(LULI, École polytechnique, CNRS, CEA, UPMC, Palaiseau, France)