Victor Zamfir
(ELI-NP, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania)
15/10/2015, 09:45
Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) will be a unique research facility to investigate the impact of very intense electromagnetic radiation on matter with specific focus on nuclear phenomena and their applications. The experiments will be based on a 2x10PW Laser Beam and on a very high brilliance Gamma Beam produced by Compton backscattering of light photons on electrons...
Emmanuel d'Humières
(Université de Bordeaux)
15/10/2015, 10:05
The intense research being conducted on sources of laser-accelerated ions and their applications, e.g. radiography and the production of warm dense matter (WDM), is motivated by the exceptional properties that have been demonstrated for proton beams accelerated from planar solid targets, such as high brightness, high spectral cut-off, high directionality and laminarity, and short duration (~ps...
Possibility of pair creation in collision of gamma-ray beams produced with a high intensity laser
Xavier Ribeyre
(Université de Bordeaux 1)
15/10/2015, 10:25
Direct production of electron-position pairs in photon collisions is one of the basic processes in the Universe. The electron-positron production $\gamma$+$\gamma$ to $e^++e^-$ (linear Breit-Wheeler process) is the lowest threshold process in photon-photon interaction, controlling the energy release in Gamma Ray Bursts, Active Galactic Nuclei, black holes and other explosive phenomena [1]....
Akira Mizuta
15/10/2015, 11:25
Astrophysical jets which are collimated plasma flows are observed in many astrophysical systems in the universe. The jets from the system of super-massive black hole (M~10^8 solar masses) and accreting gas are known as the active galactic nuclei (AGN) jet. The bulk speed of AGN jet is highly relativistic, i.e., almost speed of light. The physical mechanisms of how the AGN jet is launched and...
Pisin CHEN
15/10/2015, 11:45
Plasma wakefields induced by an intense laser pulse or a particle beam can serve as a relativistic plasma mirror, which, as has been pointed out, can serve to focus light to extremely high intensity. Here we propose a different application of such mirrors. Earlier, Chen and Tajima (1999) invoked the violent acceleration of a single electron by an ultra intense laser as a means to investigate...
Kensuke Homma
15/10/2015, 12:05
We introduce a novel approach to search for sub-eV resonance states with quasi-parallel photon-photon scatterings in a focused production laser field by further stimulating decay of the produced long-lifetime resonance states with an additional coherent laser field. Therefore, this method can be sensitive to something dark in the Universe [1-3] and be complementary to the well-known methods to...