Amsterdam-Paris-Stockholm 5th meeting

from Monday 21 September 2015 (07:00) to Wednesday 23 September 2015 (16:30)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
21 Sept 2015
22 Sept 2015
23 Sept 2015
Breakfast (until 08:30) ()
08:30 --- Arrival Coffee Break ---
Direct Detection (until 11:05) ()
09:30 Welcome address and presentation of the OKC - Lars Bergstrom (Stockholm University)   ()
10:00 New Directions in Direct Dark Matter Searches - Paolo Panci (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)   ()
10:40 A halo-independent lower bound on the dark matter capture rate in the Sun from a direct detection signal - Dr Juan Herrero-Garcia (KTH)   ()
Direct Detection (until 12:45) ()
11:20 XENON100 and XENON1T - Jan Conrad (KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE))   ()
11:40 Halo-independent tests of direct detection signals - Stefan Vogl (University of Stockholm)   ()
12:15 New directional signatures from the non-relativistic effective field theory of dark matter - Bradley Kavanagh (IPhT - CEA/Saclay)   ()
Breakfast (until 08:30) ()
Indirect Detection (until 10:00) ()
08:30 Modelling the flux distribution function of the extragalactic gamma-ray background from dark matter annihilation - Michael Feyereisen (University of Amsterdam)   ()
08:55 Towards the first gamma rays from Galaxy Clusters: Searches for Cosmic Rays and Dark Matter - Mr Stephan Zimmer (OKC/ Stockholm University)   ()
09:20 Angular power spectrum of sterile neutrino decay lines: the role of eROSITA - Fabio Zandanel (University of Amsterdam)   ()
10:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Indirect Detection (until 12:30) ()
10:30 The search for cosmological annihilation signals with the Fermi LAT - Miguel Sánchez-Conde (Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University)   ()
11:10 Strong support for the millisecond pulsar origin of the Galactic center GeV excess - Christoph Weniger (University of Amsterdam)   ()
11:30 Discussion   ()
Breakfast (until 08:30) ()
Dark Matter density (until 10:00) ()
08:30 Boosting the Annihilation Boost: Tidal Stripping and the Subhalo Luminosity - Richard Bartels (University of Amsterdam)   ()
08:55 Towards a Maximum Likelihood estimate of the dwarf spheroidal galaxies J factor - Mr Andrea Chiappo (The Oskar Klein Center, Stockholm University)   ()
09:20 Implications of hydrodynamic simulations for dark matter direct detection - Nassim Bozorgnia (GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam)   ()
10:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Dark Matter density (until 12:00) ()
10:30 A New Method for Determining the Local Dark Matter Density - Hamish Silverwood (University of Amsterdam)   ()
10:55 Discussion   ()
12:45 --- Lunch ---
Direct Detection (until 14:30) ()
14:00 Discussion   ()
Particle Physics (until 16:00) ()
14:30 Global scans of combined EFT operators - Sebastian Liem (GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam)   ()
14:55 On the determination of the leptonic CP phase - Ms Jessica Elevant (OKC, Stockholm University)   ()
15:20 Next-generation BSM global fitting with GAMBIT - Dr Benjamin Farmer (Oskar Klein Centre)   ()
15:45 Discussion   ()
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Indirect Detection (until 18:05) ()
16:30 Dark Matter searches with Cosmic Rays - Timur Delahaye (Oskar Klein Centre)   ()
17:10 Gamma ray tests of Minimal Dark Matter - Filippo Sala (CEA/Saclay and CNRS)   ()
17:35 Self-consistent velocity distributions for WIMPs explaining the Galactic Centre GeV excess - Mattia Fornasa (GRAPPA Institute (University of Amsterdam))   ()
Supernovæ (until 18:25) ()
18:05 High redshift supernova rates measured with a gravitational telescope - Tanja Petrushevska (OKC)   ()
Indirect Detection (until 19:30) ()
20:00 --- Dinner ---
12:45 --- Lunch ---
Outdoor activities (until 18:00) ()
19:00 --- Dinner ---
12:00 --- Lunch ---