Anastasios Taliotis
Confinement is a strongly coupled phenomenon that can be studied using non perturbative methods such as lattice QCD. However, the more interesting case of time dependent transitions from confining configurations to thermalization, as it is the case in heavy ion collisions, requires different approaches. In this talk, a first attempt, in the context of AdS/CFT, to study such processes will be presented. AdS/CFT allows the mapping and studying of non perturbative processes of gauge theories by solving differential (Einstein) equations with prescribed boundary conditions. The idea is then the following: one begins with initial data of a geometry that corresponds to a confining gauge theory and injects energy into the system at time t=0. The goal is to follow the evolution of the system in time; the set up is thus a Cauchy initial value problem. The main purpose of the paper is to answer the question whether and under which circumstances the geometry will eventually collapse into a black hole, which mimics thermalization in the field (gauge) theory side.
Anastasios Taliotis