7–11 Sept 2015
Ecole Polytechnique
Europe/Zurich timezone

Overview of HERMES results

10 Sept 2015, 13:45
Amphi Gay-Lussac (Ecole Polytechnique)

Amphi Gay-Lussac

Ecole Polytechnique

Palaiseau, FRANCE
Oral Presentation Spin and 3-d structure Spin-3D


Dr Charlotte Van Hulse (University of the Basque Country)


HERMES has collected a wealth of deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) data using the 27.6 GeV polarized lepton beam at HERA and various pure gas targets, both unpolarized and polarized. This allowed for a series of diverse and unique measurements. Among them are measurements that provide information on the three-dimensional structure of the nucleon both in momentum space and in position space. Results on azimuthal asymmetries from semi-inclusive DIS, sensitive to the former, will be presented as well as measurements of exclusive processes sensitive to position-space distributions. This will be complemented with the presentation of results on, among others, Bose-Einstein correlations and the measurement of $\Lambda$ polarization in quasi-real photoproduction.


Dr Charlotte Van Hulse (University of the Basque Country)

Presentation materials