21–27 May 2007
WILGA, Warsaw University of Technology Resort; (near Warsaw)
Europe/Zurich timezone
ORGANIZERS: Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems (ISE), PERG/ELHEP Laboratory, IEEE Student Branch, DESY/LLRF Team; SPONSORS: DESY, CERN, IEEE R8, IEEE Poland Section, SPIE Poland Chapter, Polish Academy of Sciences (KELTEL), Association of Polish Electical Engineers (PKOpto, SEP); European 6-th Framework Program CARE -Coordianted Accelerator Research in Europe, ELAN-European Linear Accelerator Network; SRF-JRA -Superconductive RF; AIM AND PUBLICATIONS: Research and experience exchange for young scientists, Ph.D, M.Sc. students; Peer reviewed papers published by Proc.SPIE [www.spie.org]; Review papers presented by leading industry experts and Univ. tutors; TOPICAL SCOPE: Research areas covered by IEEE and SPIE: Photon physics; Optics; Optoelectronics; Electronics; Informationa Technologies; Automation and Robotics; Communications; Measurement Data Management; Global Computation GRIDS; Mechatronics; System Integration: Electronics-Mechatronics-Photonics; Hardware-Software Integration; New Technologies; Microsystems and Large Systems; Applications in Accelerator Technology and HEP; FLASH, X-Ray-FEL, ILC, LHC, CMS, Superconducting Cavities, Beam (Electron and Photon) Quality Management; Industry and Research Interactions; SYMPOSIUM WEB: http://wilga.ise.pw.edu.pl ; CONTACT: photonics@ise.pw.edu.pl ; CHAIRPERSON: Professor Ryszard S. Romaniuk
WILGA, Warsaw University of Technology Resort; (near Warsaw)
FEiT building, room 228A
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technologies, Institute of Electronic Systems, PL-00-665 WARSAW, Poland, Nowowiejska Str. 15/19; tel.+48226607986, fax.+48228252300, e-mail: photonics@ise.pw.edu.pl ; WILGA Web: http://www.info1.pl/Noclegi/osrodki/mazowieckie/wilga/start.htm ; and http://wilga.ise.pw.edu.pl ;
The IEEE-SPIE WILGA Symposium on Photonics and Electronics for Accelerators and HEP Experiments is registered at the following websites: *International Linear Collider (ILC) http://www.linearcollider.org/cms/?pid=1000012 ; * SPIE http://www.spie.org/app/conferences/index.cfm?fuseaction=calendar ; * IEEE R8 http://www.ewh.ieee.org/reg/8/conferences.html ;