12–16 Oct 2015
Brookhaven National Laboratory
America/New_York timezone

HTCondor-CE: Managing the Grid with HTCondor

14 Oct 2015, 14:00
Bldg. 510 - Physics Department Large Seminar Room (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Bldg. 510 - Physics Department Large Seminar Room

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Upton, NY 11973
Grid, Cloud & Virtualisation Grid, Cloud and Virtualization


Brian Lin (University of Wisconsin - Madison)


HTCondor-CE is a special configuration of HTCondor designed to connect compute resources to the wider grid. Leveraging the power of HTCondor, HTCondor-CE is able to provide built-in security measures, end-to-end job tracking, and better integration with overlay job systems. This talk will present an overview of the HTCondor-CE software, its deployment in the Open Science Grid (OSG), and upcoming development plans.
Length of presentation (max. 20 minutes) 20


Brian Lin (University of Wisconsin - Madison)

Presentation materials