Shawn Mc Kee
(University of Michigan (US))
10/12/15, 9:35 AM
Site Reports
We will present an update on our site since the Fall 2014 report and cover our work with various storage technologies, ATLAS Muon Calibration and our use of the ELK stack for central sysloging. We will also report on our recent hardware purchases for 2015 as well as the status of our new networking configuration and 100G connection to the WAN. I conclude with a summary of what has worked...
Rennie Scott
10/12/15, 10:15 AM
Site Reports
News and updates from Fermilab since the Spring HEPiX Workshop.
Peter Gronbech
(University of Oxford (GB))
10/12/15, 11:00 AM
Site Reports
Update on Oxford University Particle Physics group computing setup, including short updates from the other member sites of SouthGrid.
Jose Flix Molina
(Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES)
10/12/15, 11:20 AM
Site Reports
We will be revising the status of PIC by Fall 2015. News from Oxford meeting will be reported.
Tony Quan
10/12/15, 11:40 AM
Site Reports
PDSF, the Parallel Distributed Systems Facility, has been in continuous operation since 1996 serving high energy physics research. It is currently a tier-1 site for Star, a tier-2 site for Alice and a tier-3 site for Atlas.
The PDSF cluster will move early next year from its current site at Oakland to a new building on the LBNL campus. Several racks have already been installed at the new...
Qiulan Huang
(Institute of High Energy of Physics Chinese Academy of Science)
10/12/15, 12:20 PM
Site Reports
News and updates from IHEP since the Spring HEPiX Workshop. In this talk we will present a brief status of IHEP site including computing farm, Grid, data storage ,network and so on.
Michel Jouvin
(Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (FR))
10/12/15, 5:10 PM
Site Reports
Changes at LAL and GRIF in the last 18 months.
Sandy Philpott
10/13/15, 9:00 AM
Site Reports
Current high performance and experimental physics computing environment updates: core exchanges between USQCD and Experimental Physics clusters for load balancing, job efficiency, and 12GeV data challenges; Nvidia K80 GPU experiences and updated Intel MIC environment; update on locally developed workflow tools and write-through to tape cache filesystem; status of LTO6 integration into our MSS;...
Ajit Kumar Mohapatra
(University of Wisconsin (US))
10/13/15, 9:20 AM
Site Reports
The University of Wisconsin Madison CMS T2 is a major WLCG/OSG T2 site. It has consistently delivered highly reliable and productive services for CMS MC production/processing, and large scale CMS physics analysis using high throughput computing (HTCondor), highly available storage system (Hadoop), efficient data access using xrootd/AAA, and scalable distributed software systems (CVMFS). The...
Lucien Philip Boland
(University of Melbourne (AU))
10/13/15, 9:40 AM
Site Reports
Update on activities at Australia's HEP Tier 2 grid facility.
Erik Mattias Wadenstein
(University of Umeå (SE))
10/13/15, 10:00 AM
Site Reports
Update on recent events in the Nordic countries
Szabolcs Hernath
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))
10/13/15, 10:50 AM
Site Reports
We give an update on the infrastructure, Tier-0 hosting services, Wigner Cloud and other recent developments at the Wigner Datacenter. We will also include a short summary on the Budapest WLCG Tier-2 site status as well.
Tomoaki Nakamura
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
10/13/15, 11:10 AM
Site Reports
KEK computing research center supports various project of accelerator based science in Japan. Hadron and Neutrino experiments (T2K) at J-PARC have started with good rate after the recovery of earthquake damage at Fukushima. Belle II experiment is going to collect 100PB of raw data within the several years. In this talk, we would like to report the current status of our computing facility and...
Andreas Petzold
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
10/13/15, 11:30 AM
Site Reports
News about GridKa Tier-1 and other KIT IT projects and infrastructure.
Johan Henrik Guldmyr
(Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
10/13/15, 11:50 AM
Site Reports
- Ansible and HPC
- Slurm as an interactive shell load balancer
Yemi Adesanya
10/13/15, 12:10 PM
Site Reports
An update on SLAC's central Unix services in support of Scientific Computing and Core Infrastructure. New funding model for FY15 identifies indirect vs direct-funded effort. Socializing the concept of service and service lifecycle. Sustainable business models to address hardware lifecycle replacement: Storage-as-a-Service with GPFS, OpenStack for dev/test environments and cluster provisioning.
Wolfgang Friebel
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron Hamburg and Zeuthen (DE))
10/13/15, 2:00 PM
Site Reports
Updates from DESY Zeuthen
Shigeki Misawa
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
10/13/15, 2:20 PM
Site Reports
This site report will discuss the latest developments at the RHIC-ATLAS Computing Facility (RACF).