3–7 Nov 2015
Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management, Warsaw University of Technology
Europe/Zurich timezone

Highly-anisotropic hydrodynamics for central collisions

6 Nov 2015, 14:40
Main Auditorium (Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management, Warsaw University of Technology)

Main Auditorium

Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management, Warsaw University of Technology

Warsaw University of Technology Central Campus ul. Rektorska 00-614 Warszawa, Poland


Dr Radoslaw Ryblewski (IFJ PAN)


We use leading-order anisotropic hydrodynamics to study an azimuthally-symmetric boost invariant quark-gluon plasma. We impose a realistic lattice-based equation of state and perform self-consistent anisotropic freeze-out to hadronic degrees of freedom. We then compare our results for the full spatiotemporal evolution of the quark-gluon plasma and its subsequent freeze-out to results obtained using 1+1d Israel-Stewart second-order viscous hydrodynamics. We find that for small shear viscosities, 4πη/s ∼ 1, the two methods agree well for nucleus-nucleus collisions, however, for large shear viscosity to entropy density ratios or proton-nucleus collisions we find important corrections to the Israel-Stewart results for the final particle spectra and the total number of charged particles. Finally, we demonstrate that the total number of charged particles produced is a monotonically increasing function of 4πη/s in Israel-Stewart viscous hydrodynamics whereas in anisotropic hydrodynamics it has a maximum at 4πη/s ∼ 10. For all 4πη/s > 0, we find that for Pb-Pb collisions Israel-Stewart viscous hydrodynamics predicts more dissipative particle production than anisotropic hydrodynamics


Dennis Bazow Mauricio Martinez Guerrero (The Ohio State University) Dr Michael Strickland (Kent State University) Mr Mohammad Nopoush (Kent State University) Dr Radoslaw Ryblewski (IFJ PAN) Ulrich Heinz (The Ohio State University)

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