To register you need CERN account, if you don't have such account now you can create "LightWeight Account". To find out how to create such account you can visit this page. The registration fee is 280 EUR (1150 PLN) and 140 EUR (575 PLN) for students and should be paid via bank transfer until 15th of September. The late fee (paid after 15th of September) or cash payments on-site is 320 EUR (1350 PLN) and 180 EUR (750 PLN) for students. Please note that credit card payments on-site will not be possible. The fee covers the conference venue, lunches, coffee breaks, reception, conference dinner, and conference excursion. Details of the account are given below: Account holder: Warsaw University of Technology Address: Plac Politechniki 1, 00-661 Warszawa, POLAND Bank: Bank PEKAO SA, IV Oddział w Warszawie IBAN account number: PL 65 1240 2092 9522 1050 0100 0000 SWIFT code: PKOPPLPW Title: WPCF 2015, Faculty of Physics, First name Last name - registration fee It is very important to provide correct title of the bank transfer. Otherwise the Organizers may have problems in finding your registration fee! Student support Students willing to obtain support (half of the conference fee) should provide their CV and a brief letter of reference from their supervisor (and upload both documents in the registration form).