15–19 Feb 2016
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone

The FLARES project: an innovative detector technology for rare events searches

18 Feb 2016, 17:45
EI8 (Vienna University of Technology)


Vienna University of Technology

Gusshausstraße 27-29, 1040 Wien
Talk Astroparticle Detectors Astroparticle Detectors


Dr Luca Gironi (Universita` e INFN di Milano Bicocca)


FLARES is an innovative project in the field of rare events searches, such as the search for the neutrinoless double beta decay. It aims to demonstrate the high potentiality of a technique that combines ultra-pure scintillating crystals to arrays of high performance silicon drift detectors (SDD), used to read their light. By optically coupling the two devices and working at temperatures of about 120K, a strong enhancement of the light emission should be obtained. This would allow to reach a 1% level energy resolution in a scintillation particle detector. The proposed technique will therefore combine in a single device all the demanding features needed by an ideal experiment looking for rare events. It should in fact guarantee high energy resolution, background abatement (provided specific features of the scintillating crystals that allow a strong abatement of the background due to alpha particles), low cost mass scalability and high flexibility in choice of the crystal. The performances of a first production of matrices of SDD as well as first measurements of the low temperature light yield of a selection of high purity scintillating crystals will be presented and discussed.


Dr Silvia Capelli (Universita` e INFN di Milano Bicocca)


Dr Alexander Rashevsky (INFN di Trieste) Dr Andrea Vacchi (INFN di Trieste) Dr Claudio Labanti (INAF-IASF e INFN di Bologna) Dr Ezio Previtali (Universita` e INFN di Milano Bicocca) Dr Fabio Fuschino (Universita` e INFN di Bologna) Dr Gianluigi Zampa (INFN di Trieste) Prof. Giuseppe Baldazzi (Universita` e INFN di Bologna) Dr Luca Gironi (Universita` e INFN di Milano Bicocca) Dr Luigi Rignanese (Universita` e INFN di Bologna) Dr Marco Feroci (INAF-IASF e INFN di Roma2) Dr Martino Marisaldi (INAF-IASF e INFN di Bologna) Dr Mirco Zuffa (Universita` e INFN di Bologna) Dr Nicola Zampa (INFN di Trieste) Dr Riccardo Campana (INAF-IASF e INFN di Bologna) Dr Sisti Monica (Universita` e INFN di Milano Bicocca) Dr Valter Bonvicini (INFN di Trieste) Dr Yuri Evangelista (INAF-IASF e INFN fi Roma2)

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