Opening day
Submission deadline
First you will be asked to login to the indico system with your CERN account.
If you don’t have one yet, please follow the instructions on the abstract submission page (http://rich2016.ijs.si/?page_id=17) to create one
and then proceed with the abstract submission.
The following restrictions apply for the abstract submission:
If you don’t have one yet, please follow the instructions on the abstract submission page (http://rich2016.ijs.si/?page_id=17) to create one
and then proceed with the abstract submission.
The following restrictions apply for the abstract submission:
- The abstract should not exceed 2000 characters.
- Presentation type, oral or poster, should be specified.
- Session category (track), for which you would like to submit your contribution, has to be selected.
- For each abstract, a summary of maximum two pages must be attached to provide details of your contribution. This attachment can also include important plots and/or figures.
There is no pre-defined layout for this summary file, however it should be in the PDF format and uploaded to the indico page during submission process (click “Attach a file” while submitting the abstract).