5–9 Sept 2016
Bled, Slovenia
Europe/Zurich timezone

Recent developments in software for the Belle II proximity focusing RICH with aerogel as a radiator

7 Sept 2016, 09:35
Bled, Slovenia

Bled, Slovenia

Hotel Kompas
Oral presentation Pattern recognition and data analysis Pattern recognition and data analysis


Luka Santelj (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))


For the Belle II spectrometer a proximity focusing RICH counter with an aerogel radiator (ARICH) will be employed as a PID system in the forward end-cap region of the spectrometer. The detector will provide about 4$\sigma$ separation of pions and kaons up to momenta of 3.5 GeV/$c$, at the kinematic limits of the experiment. We present the up-to-date status of the ARICH simulation and reconstruction software, focusing on the recent improvements of the reconstruction algorithms and detector description in the Geant4 simulation. The effect of these on the detector performance is studied using the full Belle II detector simulation and the results of these studies will be presented. In addition, we will show the first reconstructed Cherenkov rings that will be collected during the detector cosmic-ray test, which is foreseen to start in the early summer. The analysis of these data will allow for the test of our full reconstruction chain, as well as for the validation of the Geant4 simulation, through the comparison of the measured and Monte Carlo data.

Registered Yes


Luka Santelj (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))


Haruki Kindo (SOKENDAI) Hidekazu Kakuno (University of Tokyo) Hideyuki Kawai (Chiba University, Japan) Ichiro Adachi (KEK) Kazuya Ogawa (Niigata University, Japan) Koki Hataya (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hachioji, Japan) Makoto Tabata Manca Mrvar (Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia) Masanobu YONENAGA (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Peter Krizan (University of Ljubljana) Rok Dolenec (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) Ryusuke Kataura (Niigata University, Niigata, Japan) Samo Korpar Samo Korpar (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)) Satoru Ogawa (Toho University (JP)) Shohei Nishida (KEK) Shota Iori (Toho University, Funabashi, Japan) Shuichi Iwata (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Takayuki SUMIYOSHI (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Tetsuro Kumita (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hachioji, Japan) Tetsuya Kobayashi (Niigata University, Niigata, Japan) Yosuke Yusa

Presentation materials

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