5–9 Sept 2016
Bled, Slovenia
Europe/Zurich timezone

R&D of a pioneering system for a high resolution photodetector: the VSiPMT

6 Sept 2016, 15:00
Bled, Slovenia

Bled, Slovenia

Hotel Kompas
Oral presentation Photon detection for Cherenkov counters Photon detection for Cherenkov counters


Felicia Barbato


The VSiPMT (Vacuum Silicon PhotoMultiplier Tube) is an innovative
design for a revolutionary hybrid photodetector.
The idea, born with the purpose to use a SiPM for large detection volumes,
consists in replacing the classical dynode chain with a SiPM. In this con-
guration, we match the large sensitive area of a photocathode with the
performances of the SiPM technology, which therefore acts like an electron
detector and so like a current ampli?er.
The excellent photon counting capability, fast response, low power con-
sumption and great stability are among the most attractive features of the
VSiPMT. In order to realize such a device we ?rst studied the feasibility of
this detector both from theoretical and experimental point of view, by im-
plementing a Geant4-based simulation and studying the response of a special
non-windowed MPPC by Hamamatsu with an electron beam.
Thanks to this result Hamamatsu realized two VSiPMT industrial proto-
types with a photocathode of 3mm diameter.
We now present an overview of the full characterization of the VSiPMT indus-
trial prototypes with their pro and contra. We also present the progress on the realization of a 1-inch prototype and the preliminary tests we are
performing on it.

Registered Yes



Prof. Antonio Valentini (University of Bari) Dr Carlos Maximiliano Mollo (INFN Napoli) Dr Daniele Vivolo (University of Naples "Federico II") Dr Francesco Di Capua (University of Naples "Federico II") Prof. Giancarlo Barbarino (University of Naples "Federico II") Dr Gianfranca De Rosa (University of Naples"Federico II") Dr Luigi Campajola (University of Naples "Federico II") Dr Riccardo de Asmundis (INFN Napoli)

Presentation materials