The VSiPMT (Vacuum Silicon PhotoMultiplier Tube) is an innovative
design for a revolutionary hybrid photodetector.
The idea, born with the purpose to use a SiPM for large detection volumes,
consists in replacing the classical dynode chain with a SiPM. In this con-
guration, we match the large sensitive area of a photocathode with the
performances of the SiPM technology, which therefore acts like an electron
detector and so like a current ampli?er.
The excellent photon counting capability, fast response, low power con-
sumption and great stability are among the most attractive features of the
VSiPMT. In order to realize such a device we ?rst studied the feasibility of
this detector both from theoretical and experimental point of view, by im-
plementing a Geant4-based simulation and studying the response of a special
non-windowed MPPC by Hamamatsu with an electron beam.
Thanks to this result Hamamatsu realized two VSiPMT industrial proto-
types with a photocathode of 3mm diameter.
We now present an overview of the full characterization of the VSiPMT indus-
trial prototypes with their pro and contra. We also present the progress on the realization of a 1-inch prototype and the preliminary tests we are
performing on it.
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