Technological aspects and applications of Cherenkov detectors: I
- Eugenio Nappi (INFN Sezione di Bari)
- Silvia Dalla Torre (Universita e INFN, Trieste (IT))
Technological aspects and applications of Cherenkov detectors: II
- Silvia Dalla Torre (Universita e INFN, Trieste (IT))
- Eugenio Nappi (INFN Sezione di Bari)
Technological aspects and applications of Cherenkov detectors: III
- Silvia Dalla Torre (Universita e INFN, Trieste (IT))
- Eugenio Nappi (INFN Sezione di Bari)
Technological aspects and applications of Cherenkov detectors: IV
- Silvia Dalla Torre (Universita e INFN, Trieste (IT))
- Eugenio Nappi (INFN Sezione di Bari)
The RICH detectors of the LHCb experiment provide particle identification, especially for hadrons, in high energy proton-proton collisions at the LHC at CERN over a wide momentum range (2 to 100 GeV/c). The Cherenkov light is collected on 2D photon detector planes sensitive to single photons. In order to make the detector capable to operate at 40 MHz event readout speed, matching the bunch...
Novel Cherenkov detector upgrades favour GEM and THick-GEM (THGEM)
based MPGD systems. These detectors have reduced ion backflow,
fast signal formation, high gain, and could suppress the MIP signals as well.
Sources of concern are the possible inefficiencies of the photo-electron
collection from the top of the THGEM and the local variation of the gain related to geometrical non-uniformity.
The Belle II experiment will start up the detector commissioning from early 2017 and will carry out various physic programs from 2018, where good particle identification is demanded. The Time-of-Propagation (TOP) detector is responsible for π±/K± separation in the barrel region of the Belle II spectrometer. It has 16 detector modules cylindrically arranged around the beam line at a radius of...
We have developed a RICH counter as a new forward particle identification device for the Belle II experiment. In this RICH counter, the Cherenkov radiator consists of dual silica aerogel layers with different refractive indices in upstream and downstream. After intensive R&D on silica aerogel production and optical improvements, a refractive index combination of 1.045 and 1.055 was chosen for...
The work is devoted to the development of aerogel radiators for RICH detectors. The aerogel tiles with refractive index 1.05 and thickness of 30 mm were tested with RICH prototype on electrons beam at VEPP-4M collider.
The tile with cracks inside has been investigated. The experimental
data show that the Cherenkov angle resolution for tracks in the crack
area and for tracks in the normal...
A large area ring-imaging Cherenkov detector has been designed for the CLAS12 experiment, to achieve a pion vs kaon rejection power of 500:1 in the momentum range 3 - 8 GeV/c. The adopted solution foresees a novel hybrid optics design based on aerogel radiator, composite mirrors and multi-anode photon detectors. To minimize the instrumented area, a proximity imaging method will be used for...
Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACT) are dedicated to the very high energy Astrophysics. An IACT consists of an optical system formed by high reflectivity mirrors that focus the Cherenkov light onto a multi-pixel focal camera with fast read-out electronics. IACT telescopes image the very short flash of Cherenkov radiation generated by the cascade of relativistic charged particles...
Despite its success in the SLD CRID at the SLAC Linear Collider, ultrasonic measurement of Cherenkov radiator refractive index has been less fully exploited in more recent Cherenkov detectors employing gaseous radiators. This is surprising, since it is ideally suited to monitoring hydrostatic variations in refractive index as well as its evolution during the replacement of a light radiator...