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Contribution List

18 / 18
Mark Gorenstein (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics)
29/07/2015, 10:00
Alexander Philipp Kalweit (CERN)
29/07/2015, 10:45
Stefan Thomas Heckel (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
29/07/2015, 11:30
Katarzyna Grebieszkow (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
29/07/2015, 13:30
Romain Holzmann (GSI)
29/07/2015, 16:00
29/07/2015, 16:30
Anar Rustamov (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
30/07/2015, 10:00
Masakiyo Kitazawa (Osaka University)
30/07/2015, 11:00
Adam Bzdak (AGH University of Science and Technology)
30/07/2015, 16:00
Elena Bratkovskaya (FIAS)
31/07/2015, 11:00
Dmytro Oliinychenko
31/07/2015, 13:30
Rana Nandi
31/07/2015, 14:00
31/07/2015, 15:00