SM18-UPG orientation meeting

30/7-010 (CERN)



Show room on map

The meeting is a sequel to the one held on 5th March ( with the aim to orientate SM18 users about the evolution of demands and developments and guide the project management in its next steps.

To prepare for it please take a look at the two SM18 related presentations given at the HL-LHC PL committee on 4th June ( – only a subset of the material shown there will be re-used.

Items critical to achieve the short-term goals (HFM, cluster D) within the set time will be pointed out and discussed. The options for the medium-term upgrades (higher current capabilities for the horizontal magnet test benches) and their prospects will be presented, along with milestones which shall permit to adopt a definitive strategy.

Most prominently the degree of the cryogenics upgrade shall be debated, which is presumably the largest cost factor of the project and defined by the future requirements and other assumptions made. The proposed baseline work plan shall be presented with various options, along with the capabilities afforded and the constraints implied by them. The tentative time line and resource situation shall be discussed, ideally leading to the adoption of a firm roadmap.

The budget status will be mentioned and an overview of safety related initiatives be given.

Further to this meeting a formal approval of the cryogenics upgrade is planned (as a function of the outcome).