Flavour Physics
Aoife Bharucha
(University of Durham)
06/04/2009, 16:00
Flavour Physics
The rare decay B -> K* (-> K pi) mu+ mu- is regarded as one of the crucial channels for B physics as the polarization of the K* allows a precise angular reconstruction resulting in many observables. We investigate all observables in the context of the Standard Model and various New Physics models, in particular the Littlest Higgs model with T-parity and various MSSM scenarios, identifying...
Michael Sigamani
(Queen Mary, University of London)
06/04/2009, 16:15
Flavour Physics
We present a partial branching fraction for the inclusive charmless semileptonic decay of b->ulnu, leading to the determination of the CKM matrix element |Vub|.
William Reece
(Imperial College London)
06/04/2009, 16:30
Flavour Physics
The decay Bd->K*mumu is a rare b->s quark transition which is of great interest as a probe of beyond the Standard Model physics at the LHC. LHCb will be able to collect such large samples of these decays that a full angular analysis will be possible within a few years. Methods developed for performing this analysis will be presented, and some aspects of the related phenomenology discussed.
Laurence Carson
(University of Glasgow)
06/04/2009, 16:45
Flavour Physics
Studies related to two-body charmless hadronic decays of B mesons (B->hh decays) at LHCb are presented. Application of an incorrect proper time resolution model in the analysis to measure the CKM angle gamma may bias the fitted values of gamma and other parameters. A Monte Carlo-independent method to extract the resolution model from data is described. Also a selection for the rare decays...
Patrick Spradlin
(University of Oxford)
06/04/2009, 17:00
Flavour Physics
Copious charm hadron production at LHCb will produce physics measurements with world-leading precision, but, first, charm events must be recorded to tape. This talk will discuss triggering strategies at LHCb and some of their consequences for charm physics selection and analysis.
Funai Xing
(University of Oxford)
06/04/2009, 17:15
Flavour Physics
LHCb has great potential for making important measurements in the charm sector. The core of this programme includes the precise measurements of the mixing parameters in D0-D0bar oscillations and the search for CP-violation in D-decays. The talk will present the results of MC studies which quantify LHCb's potential sensitivity in this area. Discussion will also be given to the RICH system,...
Marco Gersabeck
(University of Glasgow)
06/04/2009, 17:30
Flavour Physics
The trigger for hadronic events at LHCb causes a lifetime bias which has to be taken into account in any time-dependent measurement. A Monte-Carlo free method for removing this bias is presented in the context of measurements of lifetimes and lifetime ratios using channels such as Bs->KK. An overview of the wide ranging physics opportunities with these measurements will be given.