27 June 2016 to 1 July 2016
UC Berkeley
US/Pacific timezone

Heavy quark dynamics in QCD matter

28 Jun 2016, 17:00
Joseph Wood Krutch Theatre (Clark Kerr Campus)

Joseph Wood Krutch Theatre

Clark Kerr Campus

Contributed Talk Heavy Quark Production


Santosh Kumar Das (University of Catania, Italy)


We address the difficulties of the present theoretical approaches to have a self-consistent description of the experimental data at both RHIC and LHC. In particular a puzzling relation between the nuclear modification factor $R_{AA}(p_T)$ and the elliptic flow $v_2(p_T)$ related to heavy quark has been observed which challenged existing models. We discuss, comparing different models and approaches, how the temperature dependence of the heavy quark drag coefficient and/or the $\hat{q}$ can account for a large part of such a puzzle. We point out that for the same $R_{AA}(p_T)$ one can generate 2-3 times more $v_2$ depending on the temperature dependence of the heavy quark drag coefficient. We discuss how the $R_{AA}(p_T)$ and $v_2(p_T)$ tension can be further improve by means of a comparison in between the full solution of the Boltzmann collision integral with the Fokker-Planck equation. We highlight the impact of radiation as well as external magnetic field on heavy quark $R_{AA}(p_T)$ and $v_2(p_T)$. [1] S. K. Das, F. Scardina, S. Plumari, V.Greco Phys.Rev. C90 (2014) 044901 [2] S. K. Das, F. Scardina, S. Plumari, V.Greco, Phys.Lett. B747 (2015) 260-264
On behalf of collaboration: None

Primary author

Santosh Kumar Das (University of Catania, Italy)


Salvatore Plumari (University of Catania (Italy)) francesco scardina (INFN Catania)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
