27 June 2016 to 1 July 2016
UC Berkeley
US/Pacific timezone

Vector boson and Charmonium production in proton-lead and lead-lead collisions with ATLAS at the LHC

30 Jun 2016, 12:20
Joseph Wood Krutch Theatre (Clark Kerr Campus)

Joseph Wood Krutch Theatre

Clark Kerr Campus

Contributed Talk Quarkonia II


William King Brooks (Federico Santa Maria Technical University (CL))


Photons and weak bosons do not interact strongly with the dense and hot medium formed in the nuclei collisions, thus should be sensitive to the nuclear modification of parton distribution functions (nPDFs). The in-medium modification of heavy Charmonium states plays an important role in studying the hot and dense medium formed in the larger collision systems. The ATLAS detector, optimized for searching new physics in proton-proton collisions, is especially well equipped to measure photons, Z, W bosons and quakonium in the high occupancy environment produced in heavy ion collisions. We will present recent results on the prompt photon, Z and W boson yields as a function of centrality, transverse momentum and rapidity, from the ATLAS experiment.
On behalf of collaboration: ATLAS


William King Brooks (Federico Santa Maria Technical University (CL))

Presentation materials