27 June 2016 to 1 July 2016
UC Berkeley
US/Pacific timezone

Strange Correlation and the Signature of 
Flux-Tube Fragmentation

30 Jun 2016, 09:40
204 (Clark Kerr Campus)


Clark Kerr Campus

Contributed Talk Strangeness Production


Cheuk-Yin Wong (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)


In a pp collision, the production of quark-antiquark pairs along a color flux tube
 precedes the fragmentation of the tube. Because of local conservation laws, the production of a strange quark-antiquark pair will 
lead to the correlation of adjacently produced hadrons. Adjacently
 produced hadrons can be signalled by their rapidity difference
 falling within the window of $|\Delta y |< 
1/(dN/dy)$, on account of the space-time-rapidity ordering of produced
 hadrons in a flux-tube fragmentation. Therefore, for two strange hadrons with opposite strangeness
, the local 
conservation laws of momentum and strangeness will lead to a
 suppression of the angular correlation function $dN/(d\Delta \phi 
d\Delta y)$ at $(\Delta \phi, \Delta y) \sim 0$ on the near side, but an enhanced correlation at $\Delta \phi \sim \pi$ on
 the back-to-back, away side, within the
 window of $|\Delta y | < 1/(dN/dy)$. These properties can
 be used as signatures for the fragmentation of a color flux tube in a pp collision [1]. [1] C. Y. Wong, Phys. Rev. D92, 074007 (2015).
On behalf of collaboration: None


Cheuk-Yin Wong (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

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