27 June 2016 to 1 July 2016
UC Berkeley
US/Pacific timezone

Vorticity in heavy-ion collisions

28 Jun 2016, 17:20
203 (Clark Kerr Campus)


Clark Kerr Campus

Contributed Talk Vorticity and CVE


Xu-Guang Huang (Fudan University)


We study the event-by-event generation of flow vorticity in RHIC Au + Au collisions and LHC Pb + Pb collisions by using the HIJING model. Different definitions of the vorticity field and velocity field are considered. A variety of properties of the vorticity are explored, including the impact parameter dependence, the collision energy dependence, the spatial distribution, the event-by-event fluctuation of the magnitude and azimuthal direction, and the time evolution. We also discuss the possible physical implications of the vorticity.


Xu-Guang Huang (Fudan University)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
