27 June 2016 to 1 July 2016
UC Berkeley
US/Pacific timezone

Analysis of hadron yield data within hadron resonance gas model with multi-component eigenvolume corrections

28 Jun 2016, 14:20
203 (Clark Kerr Campus)


Clark Kerr Campus

Contributed Talk Chemical Freeze-Out


Volodymyr Vovchenko


The hadron-resonance gas (HRG) model with the hadron type dependent eigenvolume (EV) corrections is employed to fit the hadron yield data of the ALICE and the NA49 collaborations. The influence of the EV corrections is studied within two different formulations of the eigenvolume HRG model. For the case of the point-particle HRG the extracted values of temperature and chemical potential are consistent with previous findings. However, the situation changes if hadrons have different eigenvolumes. These results show that the extraction of the chemical freeze-out parameters is extremely sensitive to the modeling of the short-range repulsion between the hadrons, and imply that the point-particle HRG cannot be used for a reliable determination of the chemical freeze-out conditions. For instance, when we apply the eigenvolume corrections with the mass-proportional eigenvolume $v_i \sim m_i$, fixed to different values of the proton hard-core radius $r_p$, we obtain a noticeably better description of the data at all the considered collision energies in very wide high-$T$, high-$\mu_B$ regions within both EV models. Similar picture emerges in the case when all mesons are modeled as point-like while all baryons have a fixed hard-core radius. The entropy per baryon, on the other hand, shows a much weaker model dependency. The HRG model is also compared to the lattice data. It is found that moderate eigenvolume corrections lead to a better agreement with the lattice data at higher temperatures. Additionally, the role of the Hagedorn mass spectrum is explored.
On behalf of collaboration: None

Primary author

Volodymyr Vovchenko


Horst Stoecker (GSI)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing


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