27 June 2016 to 1 July 2016
UC Berkeley
US/Pacific timezone

Flavour Oscillations in Dense Baryonic Matter

28 Jun 2016, 14:20
204 (Clark Kerr Campus)


Clark Kerr Campus

Contributed Talk Strangeness Production


Peter Filip (Slovak Academy of Sciences (SK))


The presence of strangeness non-conservation process $K^0 \leftrightarrow \bar K^0$ during the hadronic stage of relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions will be discussed, as a possible mechanism for the excessive sub-threshold production of double-strange hyperons observed recently by HADES collaboration. We explain, why such process could remain unnoticed in the spectra of neutral $K^0_s$ mesons, and suggest to observe $\Delta s = 2$ process in A+A and p+A interactions by careful experimental study of $K^{0*}$ and $\bar K^{0*}$ yields at $\sqrt{s} < 15 $GeV/n collision energies. The excess of $(K^0$ and $K^{0*})$ over $(\bar K^0$ and $\bar K^{0*})$ mesons in the initial stage of hadronic gas expansion and non-zero baryonic density (generating sufficiently strong in-medium Kaon-nucleon potentials) are the necessary requirements for $\Delta s = 2$ oscillation processes to occur within very short time scale of hadronic gas expansion. A possibility of similar heavy flavour non-conservation phenomena will be discussed for the case of sub-threshold $D^0$ production in A+A collisions.
On behalf of collaboration: None


Peter Filip (Slovak Academy of Sciences (SK))

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
