27 June 2016 to 1 July 2016
UC Berkeley
US/Pacific timezone

Heavy quark diffusion and jet quenching in strong magnetic field at weak coupling

30 Jun 2016, 10:20
Joseph Wood Krutch Theatre (Clark Kerr Campus)

Joseph Wood Krutch Theatre

Clark Kerr Campus

Contributed Talk Heavy Quark Production


Ho-Ung Yee (University of Illinois at Chicago / RBRC)


We present the perturbative QCD computation of the heavy quark diffusion constant and jet quenching parameter in the presence of strong magnetic field at complete leading order (that is, leading log and the constant under the log) in QCD coupling constant. Azimuthal asymmetries caused by the strong magnetic field in heavy quark diffusion and jet quenching are highlighted.

Primary author

Ho-Ung Yee (University of Illinois at Chicago / RBRC)


Kenji Fukushima (The University of Tokyo) Kiminad Mamo (UIC) Koichi Hattori (RIKEN-BNL Research Center) Mr Shiyong Li (University of Illinois at Chicago) Yi Yin (Brookhaven national laboratory)

Presentation materials